
Water is Our Most Precious Resource

Because water covers 70% of our planet, we could be misled into thinking that there will always be plenty to go around.

However, only 3% is freshwater

(what we use for drinking water, cooking, bathing, and irrigation) and, of that, two thirds are inaccessible.

Water systems are under stress. They’re drying up or are too polluted for use.

Climate change is having an impact on weather patterns, resulting in droughts in some places and floods in others.

Water Facts & Figures

72% of all water withdrawals
are used by agriculture
16% by municipalities
for households and services,
12% by industries.

(UN-Water 2021)

2.3 billion
people live in water-stressed countries, of which
733 million
live in high and critically
water-stressed countries.

(UN-Water 2021)

people including
450 million children
live in areas of high or extremely
high water vulnerability.

(UNICEF, 2021)

700 million
people worldwide could be displaced by intense water scarcity by 2030.

(Global Water Institute, 2013)
We Waste a Lot of Water

Unfortunately, humans have proved to be inefficient water users. For example, the average hamburger takes 2,400 liters (630 gallons) of water to produce.
Many water-intensive crops, such as cotton, are grown in arid regions

Here’s How We Can Help

As water consumers, there are two ways we can help by preventing waste and adopting better water usage habits.

Prevent waste

A dripping tap can lead to 1000 liters (264 gallons)
of water loss each month.
A leaking toilet can lead to more than 700 liters
(185 gallons) of water loss each day.

Our data shows that 28% of our clients had
a running leak prior to Watrix installation that they were unaware of.


Change our water usage habits

We consume water as if it will always be there.
By making a conscious effort to save water,
we can reduce usage by over 30%. We only need to see how South Africa handled the Cape town Water Crisis when anticipating “Day Zero” to see that it’s possible to drastically reduce water consumption.

Making water conservation a goal will help us
avoid the negative impact of water shortages
and help achieve the goal of fresh water for everyone.
Remember, every drop counts.

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